3 Instagram “rules” I used to stand by that don’t matter anymore


During my 15 years working with thought leaders, entrepreneurs and organizations to create online presences that drive traffic, engagement and growth SO much has changed! Here are some things that used to work, that just don’t matter anymore:

🙅🏾‍♀️ Using Hashtags Is The Best Way To Get Visibility

There was a time when Hashtags were THE way to get visibility and growth. Now Instagram uses in app SEO to help users find posts. Focus on great captions. Hashtags can help visibility but no where to how they worked years ago.

🙅🏾‍♀️ Don’t Sell Every Day

Before algorithms and countless Instagram accounts, more of your audience would see your posts. So I did believe the 80/20 rule applied because you don’t want to annoy your audience with way too many sales posts. Well now that algorithms come into play, not everyone see everything you post.

Also - who wants to interact with a brand who’s only selling you all the time? The art of selling without selling is something I’ve always implemented but I am more likely to let audiences know what there is to buy, more often than before.

🙅🏾‍♀️ You HAVE To Post At The Right Time

Posting at the time your audience is on is beneficial because posting at these times increases your chances of making it to their feeds. Do not be afraid to experiment with times (especially if you’re audience is not dependent on local time)

Instagram changes all the time! So be flexible, learn, and adjust as needed.

✨With that said, basics are basics for a reason. None of the things I just listed even matter if you don’t have your basics in line.

Starting on Dec 4 I’m hosting the Profitable, Powerful Posting On Instagram: The Bootcamp. Over 3 days we’ll dive into figuring out the basics so that you can show up more confidently and powerfully on Instagram more easily than ever before.

Get in now for just $75. Price goes up to $100 TONIGHT. Register here: https://bit.ly/40JoKk5

<3 & ☕️


Dhariana Lozano

Designing strategic roadmaps to build impactful brands for CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations ✨