One BIG Reason You're Posting On Instagram But Not Making Sales

Hi Reader,

It’s so easy to scroll

and scroll

And compare

And try to find inspiration

But in reality, everything you need, you already have.

Of course we all hit walls, get into ruts and need time to get reinspired. But I don’t want you to get stuck worrying about what the next person is doing or thinking what you have isn’t good enough.

Let me tell you - just because someone is at the level you want to be doesn’t mean that what worked for them will work for you.

So here’s a reminder to lean into YOU.

✨ What YOUR vision is when it comes to your business

✨ What content you need to create to connect with YOUR ideal clients

✨ The best way that feels good for you to deliver a message lands best

Simply - get the f*ck out of your own way and put those blinders on.

Learning what will work for you isn't always a piece of cake, it takes thought, testing, failing, trying again, but once you nail what works specifically for YOU and your brand is where the magic happens.

♥️ & ☕️


Brand & Social Media Strategy Consultant

Dhariana Lozano

Designing strategic roadmaps to build impactful brands for CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations ✨