THIS is Harder Than Turning Your Instagram Presence Around


I know gaining clarity around your brand feels boring. But posting forever and not growing or making sales is harder.

How long have you been posting to Instagram without being able to make sales or attract customers consistently? Not just here and there - but feeling confident that when you ask for the sale your audience will respond? I know what it feels like to show up every day and see nothing for it but a bunch of likes on a post. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Because I’m here to let you know:

1. You DON’T have to post every day in order to have success online

2. If you’ve gotten a few sales you can absolutely make more!

3. You don’t have to feel like a complete failure and give up on your dream

The biggest misconception about using Instagram for business: It’s easy. And it some ways it can be - but you must take the time to put the structure in place in order to get to that point. Why? Because even though likes and followers FEEL like they’re getting you somewhere, a tap on a heart isn’t the way to build a business.

If you’re ready to turn your Instagram marketing around, and finally get consistent leads and sales from your Instagram grab a seat to my live workshop, 3 Secrets to Profitable, Powerful Posting on Instagram.

I can take you from confusion, to knowing exactly what will attract your ideal clients and get them moving. In class you’ll learn:

✨ How I made creating content easier than ever. Now I never run out of ideas or feel overwhelmed by visuals.

✨ The core philosophies that have helped me successfully build brands on social media over the past 15 years.

✨ Why its easier than you think to get the ball rolling no matter what difficulties you’ve had before.

✨ The exact 3 things that have helped my clients make 4 figure sales from single Instagram posts.

Class is happening on Nov. 20 at 11:30 AM ET. Register:


Dhariana Lozano

Designing strategic roadmaps to build impactful brands for CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations ✨