Your dreams are worth your effort ✨

Hey Reader,

Betting on you is so worth it ✨

As a business owner there are several things I consistently have to remind myself. The main one being that I chose this life, and I don’t get to throw in the towel because things feel hard.

✨ Success will require effort and does not come without hard days

✨ As an entrepreneur it’s literally my job to figure it out (whatever the “it” is this day/week/month/year)

✨ Everything doesn’t happen all at once. Sometimes it has to be step by step

But most importantly I must remind myself that my dreams are worth every single ounce of effort and sacrifice I put in every day. And yours are too.

We chose this. YOU chose this, a bet on yourself. And when things get hard you can’t give up on you - that’s when you have to believe in yourself the most.

Through the years I noticed that it’s not necessarily the people with the most talent that “make it”. It’s the people that never give up, the ones that go 100% in and show up for themselves day after day.

You started your business to do things your way. Believe it, make it work, you got this friend ✨

And always remember: Your dreams are worth your effort.


Dhariana Lozano | Brand Strategy | Social Media Strategy |

Dhariana Lozano

Designing strategic roadmaps to build impactful brands for CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations ✨