Hi Reader,
Using social media as a CEO, entrepreneur or for your organization is like a recipe. Remember that when you start to feel overwhelmed. Here’s what to remember ⬇️ ✔️ First, you decide you want to make something delicious [Your goal] ✔️ You choose a recipe to follow [Your strategy] ✔️ You go through the prep, follow through on the directions and see how it tastes [This is creating content, publishing and all around showing up] ✔️ You let it cook [Give that strategy time to work] ✔️ You taste it [Analytics] Next time you make adjustments. Then you adjust again. Oops, didn’t like version 4 - back to 3! Until you finally get the balance of flavors you’re looking for. Then that’s when the really magical part happens ✨ Because at that point the recipe is yours, it’s a hit, it works for you. You can make it confidently, quickly and you know what to expect. You’ll even be able to make adjustments on the fly. Posting successfully on Instagram is the same. It takes a lot of testing, showing up, waiting, analyzing and adjusting. But when you finally learn what works, accelerating results becomes so much easier. So don’t freak out over 1 post that doesn’t do well. When you get overwhelmed, go back to your basics, your goals. And remember to breathe. If it’s overwhelming you it’s not serving you, but you will have to learn how to make the process less stressful if you’re determined to grow your thought leadership and expand business using Instagram.
Dhariana Lozano | Brand Strategy | Social Media Strategy | DhariLo.com
✨ If you need more specific support around this I highly suggest checking out my two resources (both available via the link in my bio): 🔑 Intentional Instagram Impact Audio Series 🔑 Profitable, Powerful Posting on Instagram Bootcamp I also have some spaces available for 1:1 consulting. Simply reply to this email to learn more