No one is talking about this important key to success on Instagram

Hi Reader,

Patience is the one thing that can get overlooked when discussing Instagram content.

The reality is, you probably won’t go viral and have a booming business after posting on Instagram for a week or a month. That doesn’t mean fast results aren’t possible, but don’t rely on getting things right from the jump.

You’ll have to be patient and trust the process of posting with intention. Every small action you take adds to the big picture.

It takes turning the dial, trying new things, going with the flow, then maybe against it, until you find the right combo for you.

So if you’re seeing this post and if you’re in a space of frustration or feeling stuck, here are a few things you can do:

✔️ Reassess your Instagram strategy. Do you even have one or are you just posting things to post them?
✔️ Did you stop doing anything that was working for you because someone (an expert or the network itself) said it wasn’t right? Or you heard it’s not what you “should” be doing?
✔️ Can you adjust new trends or tactics to work specifically in alignment with your business style and what your audience needs?

See - it’s not always about throwing everything out and starting over. It’s having the patience to reflect, adjust, observe and realign.

<3, ☕️ & #'s


Dhariana Lozano - Social Media & Brand Strategy Consultant

I empower women entrepreneurs who are struggling to get leads and sales from their social media marketing with intentional strategies that fit their individual needs but still get results faster than they ever have before.