Replay: 3 Secrets to Profitable, Powerful Posting on Instagram

Hey Reader,

What a great class this morning! As promised here is the replay in case you'd like to watch the class again or couldn't make it live:

Replay Link:

If you're ready to ditch the overwhelm and finally get confident about what you're posting on Instagram the Profitable, Powerful Posting On Instagram Bootcamp is a no brainer! Your special pricing ends this Friday, so don't wait to get in.

In our time together I'll teach you how to move past the fear or overwhelm of posting on Instagram to easily creating content and knowing exactly what to post at any time so that you can show up confidently, consistently and grow your account.

What we’re covering:

  • Define Your Unique POV: Go from sounding like everyone else to standing out and connecting with the right audience
  • Stop Overthinking & Gain Clarity: Go from getting overwhelmed on what to create to knowing exactly what works for you
  • Creating Impactful Content: From guessing about WTF to post to easily creating content, faster than you ever have before

What’s Included:

3 live classes over 3 days starting on Monday December 4, 2023

  • Class 1: Defining your unique POV
  • Class 2: Stop Overthinking & Gain Clarity
  • Class 3: Create Impactful Content (faster than ever before)

Q+A : After each class I'll set time aside for questions

Supplementary Content: Each class comes with workbook to be completed. We’re not just learning here. You need to TAKE ACTION. This will include worksheets, prompts, examples, etc.

5 Day Instagram Group Chat: Get support from me in between our lessons. Group chat will be closed after Dec. 9th

BONUS: Free access to Instagram Goal Setting Series 2024 once it launches ($25 value)

Lifetime Access: Can't make the live classes? No worries - you'll have access to all recordings.

Register for the bootcamp for just $75 (until Friday) here:

Be well!


Dhariana Lozano - Social Media & Brand Strategy Consultant

I empower women entrepreneurs who are struggling to get leads and sales from their social media marketing with intentional strategies that fit their individual needs but still get results faster than they ever have before.