This Is How You Should Use Instagram To Make More Sales


✨Intentionally✨ is how you should use Instagram to make more sales.

Here’s your sign to stop feeling like the algorithm is out to get you or like you need to post every single day on Instagram in order to get more sales or the results you’re looking for.

I don’t want to see you waste any more time so if you’re not currently finding “success” on Instagram or just getting a sale here and there it’s probably because you are lacking some clarity and intention when it comes to what you’re posting - and if you don’t correct these things, nothing you do will help you get what you’re looking for. No amount of posting will help if you’re posting about the wrong things.

Here are some of the things you can concentrate on instead of trying to find the next trend, tactic, trending sound or hack:

  1. Be intentional about showing up and what you put in front of your audience always
  2. Concentrate on cultivating community instead of just collecting followers
  3. Take a look at the metrics that really matter (not just likes on a post)

Clarity is the one thing that unlocks and takes away the friction when it comes to posting on Instagram for your business.

Clarity around your goals, clarity and honesty about where you are right now and what you are able to do, who your audience is and what they need to hear from you.

Your success starts with purposeful posting, not just endless posts.

<3, ☕️ & #'s


Dhariana Lozano - Social Media & Brand Strategy Consultant

I empower women entrepreneurs who are struggling to get leads and sales from their social media marketing with intentional strategies that fit their individual needs but still get results faster than they ever have before.